
Ceratosaurus jurassic world evolution
Ceratosaurus jurassic world evolution

ceratosaurus jurassic world evolution

For scale of reference, you can fit a Hammond Creation Lab perfectly inside the Small enclosure. If they were always in the red for both grassland and forest, i upgraded them to the next size pen. I tested these by putting each dinosaur in the enclosures pictured above and adding trees one by one until they were happy. I’m just doing this so you know the smallest they’ll accept. Note 3: You don’t to make their exhibits as small as I’m showing. Note 2: The larger their exhibit, the more forgiving they are on required terrain. If you fill a open plain with water, it still counts as grassland.

ceratosaurus jurassic world evolution

If you fill a area of trees with water, it still counts as Forest. Note 1: Water counts as whatever you put it on.

ceratosaurus jurassic world evolution

Instead of using the hard to decipher numbers in the information panel of the dinosaurs, I’m going to classify each dinosaur as a Tiny to Huge exhibit based on their minimum requirements, and list their Tree or Grassland needs as ‘Very Low’ to “Very HIgh’ based on how much of their exhibit they want covered.

Ceratosaurus jurassic world evolution